Friday, September 21, 2012

DIY Silver Glitter Captoes!

1. Get any old shoe of yours you want to revamp. I used my cutout shoes.

2. Cover the rest of the shoe, it is optional, if you don't like mess and don't mind cleaning it up later you
Might as well skip this part.

3. Put some glue on the shoe, I used araldite that I bought from a local hardware store. This glue is one hell of a gun.. It can glue almost anything although a lot of patience is required.

4. Get your glitter and start sprinkling evenly.

5. And keep sprinkling....

6. Voila!!! It's done it is real easy I have learnt that if you have spray paint it's a lot easier and comes out a lot polished. I used glitter because I was inspired by MuiMui shoes and I didn't have spray paint.


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